睡不够再加上遇到令我头痛的人,我就会开始骂人。。。。所以我告诉我自己,再忙也要给自己足够的时间休息而一些改变不了的事也就算了吧。 跟别人租房子,他们想几点打麻将就几点打麻将,我只能戴耳罩,告诉自己别气因为再气也改变不了事实,只会让我气到睡不着。
主持欧萱Reduze产品代言活动那天是我最累的一天。六点起床,到公司制作新节目的开收场,赶回家做头发,赶到Courts主持热卖会,喊到虚脱后一到Somerset 313, 我基本上已经不行了。硬撑一个小时,商家还说我们的energy很高,他们喜欢。哈哈!原来,我是最佳女主角!之后赶回公司继续做开收场等到晚上10点。
"If you're going through hell.keep going" By Winston Churchill.
Press on 傻MUI, we will always behind supporting U and praying for U.. "I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron." Isaiah 45:2-3.
Kevin T
Hi Yongmei,
Last Friday on 972fm, during your programme, you had a list of recommendations for people with sensitive nose. I heard you posted it on facebook, but I could not find it there. Could you post the recommendations here instead?
Thanks! =)
Hi Yongmei,
Last Friday on 972fm, during your programme, you had a list of recommendations for people with sensitive noses. I heard you posted it on facebook, but I could not find it there. Could you post the recommendations here instead?
Thanks! =)
yong mei, you have great pictures on you blog. it's so lively and colorful!
Wonderful shots Yong Mei
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