他就是我和粉樱的魔术老师,Jeremy Peh
感谢Singapore Flyer的朋友让我们再次登上摩天观景轮,刚好是妆艺大游行,我们在上空看到部分的游行,烟火及鞭炮燃放。而且我们也在顶点默默地许愿。
我在傻Mui的lost & Found 已经分享心情多年,不知道你喜欢吗?希望你到www.singaporeradioawards.sg 投选我,晓英或粉樱的blog 成为Best Radio Personality Blog.
我的email 是: yongmei30@gmail.com
hi,yongmei!first of all,i'll like to wish you a happy tiger year! gong xi,gong xi...the pictures you took are really nice! :D by the way,i've already voted for you in both "972 Most Popular Radio Personality" & "Best Radio Personality Blog" awards! all the best to you wor,hope u can grab a trophy this year! :)
Voted MP but how to vote Personality Blog. Just click from the S'pore radio award link is it, pls advise.
Voted MP but how to vote Personality Blog. Just click from the S'pore radio award link is it, pls advise.
To GK: yup,you are right...just select which DJ's blog u wanna vote for in the S'pore Radio Awards website's sub-link under "Best Radio Personality Blog".
you will be prompted to key in your particulars after u click the "next" button @ the bottom of the page.after which,click "send" then you're done. :)
thank you for telling everyone how to vote. Basically i am not sure too. keke. At least for personality blog, you don't have to pay 30 cents. Thanx for voting, but frankly speaking, i think fenying or jianbin will get the best radio personality award. I just hope to get the best programme award with xiaoying. You can listen to the programme we submitted on www.singaporeradioawards.sg website too!
And i hope Jeff would get the most creative trailer award, then 972 will get the most awards!!!! YEAH!
Hi Yong Mei,
Love the pix to put up (Pinnacle@Duxton).
Hope that you can put up more. I save 1 pix as my screen saver background.
All the best to you.
hi! Yong Mei
What is the model of the camera you are using..it looks great for night shot...
Hi Yong Mei
Which brand of camera you are using the photos are nice.
Samsung W550. Actually the nite scene is taken with tripod and manual focus adjusted. Brother taught me how to use it otherwise i can't capture it in picture perfect! Rainbow one taken using bro's panasonic lumix. He is a professional and yet he commented lumix is a good camera.
My Samsung camera zooms really really well. Thats how i take photos from flyer of the chingay procession .
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