Monday, July 04, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to get rid of bumble bee?

This idiot bumble bee (huge one) kept flying to my kitchen and WORST OF ALL, built a home on my window.(hard to imagine right?) my partner juz destroyed one of his "bee hive" built with soil yesterday. Imagine we got to use a hammer to destroy the hard bee hive!

And yesterday, Mr Bee flew back only to find that his 3 storey condo is "GONE". And you know what that stupid bee did? he built another nest this morning! and this time he left "footprints" along the whole scratch of my window. IDIOT RIGHT?

I'm mad....gonna kill it very soon, i guess that's the only way.

Do you noe of anyway to stop it from building condos in my kitchen?

Oh, by the way, when i bought coffee at coffee bean juz now, a lady said i've got beautiful eyes. and suddenly, my eyes become BIG BIG. hee hee...

dun forget, share with me ways to stop MR Bee from dirtying my windows or ways to make him suffer. WHY OUR HOUSE??? WHY???? sob sob....


DJ Kevin said...

Wow... free honey from the kitchen!!

I would scream if i have a hive in my kitchen. Quickly get one of the electronic badmminton raquet and kill it !! hehe

cruzteng said...

maybe the BEE is related to you from some past lives.... maybe the BEE owes you something, and therefore pledges to build a condo in ur kitchen so that he can look after you and provide honey! woohoo!

傻MUI said...

oh yah! why didn't i thought of an electronic badminton racket hah???

and cruz, you are hinting i'm a flower in my past life is it? haha.

anyway, we used a hammer to destroy his one storey bungalow and the traces of soil he left behind. and then.....we spray deordarant all over the window.
Heard insects hate strong smell. Till this morning, no sign of Mr Bee leh. Can't wait to get home. I hope he is not thinking of building a condo within corners of my kitchen. if not, i'll invest a good "gun" to shoot it.

DJ Kevin said...

"you are hinting i'm a flower in my past life is it?"

U are a flower in this life also..

Ah Huay.. Ah Lian..
Ah Lian Huay.. hahah