Saturday, May 28, 2005


今早在家中又面对同样的问题。Wireless Connection Not Available.



昨天要特别感谢Kevin足足等了我2个多小时。我在录广告。Production house因一些原因迟开始再加上厂商临时改稿还有很多问题,结果我也等了1/1/2hours才开始录音。每个人都曾经有过等人的经验。我觉得,年纪越大,越没有耐性等人。我试过最长的记录是半个小时。yup! Half an hour and thats it, i got to go somewhere, do something while waiting for the person to come back.

Which is why i want to thank kevin for his patience. Tried and tested, he is a 大好人. haha!

1 comment:

DJ Kevin said...


its because you know, when you are older, you have less and less time to fully utilise your time fullest & waiting for people is not one of the ways you would wanna spend your valuable time on.
Its just not constructive