May 28, when i brought her home, i was filled with excitement and had high hopes on her. The florist said she is from Thailand. I saw other roses in full bloom and thought, will she be just like them?
Dec 2. After 5 months of spending time taking care of her. I've almost given up hopes that she is going to bloom again. Stems looked withered and there is only 2 stalks. I thought of throwing it away. And i duno why, on Dec 2, the withered and hopeless plant suddenly reborn again. New sprout started to grow and just in a few weeks time, it grew taller than i expected and continued to bloom weeks after weeks. Everyday i woke up looking at her, feeling its a miracle she is still "surviving" and brought me hope which i lacked greatly! Sometimes, i hope i can have thorns like her to protect me from getting hurt.
Feb 3. Time to say goodbye to my miracle rose. When everyone has given up hope on her and all the plants i grew have withered, she continued to fight on with dignity. And, i am so proud of her. She is so "me" although she may not be the most beautiful rose i've seen.
Forgoing something so precious to me is hard. When i returned home today and she is no longer there, i started to miss her. Makes me recall "THE LITTLE PRINCE". Here is an excerpt.
“Goodbye,” said the fox. “Here is my secret. It’s quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes. . . . It’s the time that you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important. . . . People have forgotten this truth,” the fox said, “But you mustn’t forget it. You become responsible for what you’ve tamed. You’re responsible for your rose. . . .”
Yes, the little prince realizes that even though his rose is not a unique type of flower, she is unique to him because he has cared for her and loved her. He has tamed her and cared for her, and now in his eyes she is the only rose. A person is forever responsible for what he has tamed. It hurts when the people you spent time caring for just takes you for granted and misuse your trust that you have put on them. All we can do is move on and begin a new chapter, hoping that God will help you discover people who are true to you. And yes, from next wed onwards, i'll be writing a new chapter in my life.
"A man's heart plans his ways but the Lord directs his steps." (Proverbs 16:9)
Below is a view from Pinnacle@Duxton! Although i did not own the house, I'm blessed to be able to enjoy such magnificent view everyday even for a short period!
And my biggest blessing in life? Friends who always check on me through sms if i'm ok. But my biggest regret is i'm unable to stop my mum from worrying for me. I want her to know that i'm strong because when all things fail, relationships that nearly kill me, I've my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ to rely upon. Its the greatest love i've experienced so far.
"Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:18-19)
Why worries around us, my job is unstable
now,my kids result n.....
Let's keep moving, be happy.
Enjoys your programme keep it up.
Happy New Year!
Hi Yong Mei,
Wish u a Happy Chinese New Year.
Hi Yong Mei,
I am touch by your words in the blog. Relationship is important to us but sometime we have to learn to get over. What had lost may not be the best. Saw the depression you had during school time made me worried for my eldest girl. She is not in Pri 6 and she had been crying every now and then when thinking to go school. She had no friends. Even those friends that sometime talked to her will always scold her siao. I dun know y and I kept asked her to think if she had done something wrong. I prayed for her but still back to square/ I wanted to have a talk with her teacher but she stopped me as she is worried that the teacher will voiced the matter up in front of the class. I really dun know what to do also. When i see that you had no friend , that really touches my heart. Sister, be strong. God and Angel is always looking after you in your heart. No matter what is going to happen to us, we have God's protection. Shalom
Love, sis iris
Hi Yong Mei,
I have been reading your blog for the past 1 yr and I enjoy reading it. I'm happy that you have found strength in God. I'm also a Christian but had stopped going to church for the past 3 yrs. I dun seem to have the motivation to go church nowadays.
Take care and God bless!
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